HK SL8 to G36c Conversion

This project has many variations and possibilities… I researched this for quite some time before I started buying parts. ( ok I started to buy parts before I had all the info, but I knew I was going to build something! ) I knew I wanted the G36C configuration for sure, I just didn’t know which way I was going to go about it. Basically the major decision with the HK SL8 to G36 conversion is whether or not to use a “stock block hinge” in the back or to cut off the back of the receiver and “weld” the factory G36 receiver hinge in place. The rest is trivial details and things you would need to do any way to make it work or to make it 922r “compliant”. After considering all the options I am doing the “weld on hinge nub” mod for this gun.

I decided to do the weld on mod because it’s the most realistic looking when completed, I have the means to complete the mod and since the gun will be registered as an SBR ( Short Barreled Rifle ) I don’t need to worry about the serial number location or 922r compliance.

The main goal of this project is to have a G36C clone in semi auto, that is as real or as close to the real thing as possible.

Some of the modifications and info sections to come:

  • SL8 mag well milling for using the g36 mag well and g36 double stacked mag
  • SL8 bolt head modification to allow pick up and feeding from a double stacked g36 magazine
  • SL8 barrel shortening and re profiling to the G36C specs
  • Fusing/bonding the G36 receiver hinge nub to the back of the SL8 receiver
  • Semi auto SL8 FCG parts swap into full auto G36 lower grip
  • Parts comparison, what you need and don’t need, 922r compliance
  • Remarking / engraving the receiver with the authentic G36 markings
  • QD suppressor
  • Elcan Specter DR optic
  • Final weapon review of the g36c conversion
  • Range report
  • HK G36 / SL8 manuals

SL8 to G36 Conversion Info

This section will describe the over all, basic conversion work that needs to be done to the SL8 to make it compatible with the G36 parts.

More to come as we have progress!

G36 to SL8 Stock Hinge Construction

The main focus of this section is the cutting of the SL8 receiver and fitting of the G36 rear hinge. Also plastic welding, aligning and reinforcing the 2 halves. This is fusing the G36 receiver with the SL8 receiver.


More to come as we have progress!

SL8 Magazine Well Milling and Side Panel Fill

This step is necessary to allow the double stacked, G36 magazine to fit up into the SL8 receiver. Removing material from the mag well area and then exposing a large section in the side of the gun is necessary to make room for the larger G36 mag. The gap or hole in the side of the gun can then be filled in with a plastic panel and bit of plastic welding.

The below images show the start of the side fill in panel and the magwell milled out. I’ll try to post more images later of the exact places to cut, mill and weld. The next step will be to fully sand and finish off the roughness.


More to come as we have progress!

SL8 Bolt Head Welding and Milling

The SL8 bolt head is designed for a single stacked magazine. One of the lugs has a slant that needs to be made square, like the rest of them, to allow the bolt head to pick up the rounds properly from a double stacked G36 Magazine. This step can be avoided by purchasing a G36 bolt head or an aftermarket US made, G36/SL8 bolt head, with the correct lugs.

More to come as we have progress!

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