- We can set you up with a UMP clone that suites your needs and budget!
- We can add the UMP folding stock and grip ergonomics.
- The conversion allows you to use high capacity, double stacked UMP magazines.
- UMP ejection port stock catch and cooling vents can also be added.
- The ultimate civilian legal UMP clone can be built if you are in a state that allows you to register your gun as an SBR or Short Barrel Rifle. Contact us for details on From 1 SBR registration.
The USC to UMP conversion is very popular with HK owners and enthusiasts. The basic USC is not as versatile and not nearly as ergonomic. What you gain by doing the UMP conversion is not only looks and authenticity, it’s also a better feeling and better handling gun. The feel of the grip itself is much better and the folding stock option is a big improvement over the fixed USC stock. If you are in a state that does not allow the folding stock, it is still worth it just for the better ergonomics of the UMP grip. These ergonomics greatly improve the shoot-ability and feel of the USC.
For completed USC UMP conversions for sale/ready to buy, contact us to see what we have in stock:
Base USC to UMP Conversion Service (Stock Block Type)
- Milling the forward barrel cooling vents in the USC receiver to match the venting of the UMP
- Milling the magazine well of the USC to accept the larger UMP magazine
- Dying of the gray polymer, USC to the dark black HK color
- Milling of the forward receiver hooks on the UMP lower to accept the USC upper
- Filling and false pinning of the forward section of the UMP lower for 100% ATF legal piece of mind
- UMP stock catch option, just like real UMP
- Dis-assembly and reassembly
For completed USC UMP conversions for sale/ready to buy, contact us to see what we have in stock:
This “fuse job” conversion offers the most realistic, true to the real thing, conversion a civilian can own! The plastic welding “fusion” procedure requires lots of time and patients as well as plastic welding experience and jigs.
- All of the above “basic services”.
- Welding the UMP rear section to the USC receiver and adding the stock catch to the side of the gun.
- Re-marking/Engraving the HK UMP correct markings
For completed USC UMP conversions for sale/ready to buy, contact us to see what we have in stock:
HK UMP SD Custom Conversion
Custom UMP SD Conversion Service Options:
- Magpul, HK or other custom buttstock
- Shaved fixed sites and full length top rail
- Threaded barrel for use with various existing suppressors
- Cut out enlarged/modified foregrip using Magpul MOE parts
- Custom cocking handle
The UMP SD is a custom project so you can pick the options you’d like to go with. Example pricing is as follows:
For completed USC UMP conversions for sale/ready to buy, contact us to see what we have in stock:
Additional USC to UMP Services
Additional customization options are available.
Click the links below to see the corresponding service pricing and to add services to your cart.
For completed USC UMP conversions for sale/ready to buy, contact us to see what we have in stock: