HK MP5-K PDW Build Project

For this project I’m actually “building” the clone. I wont need to bend a receiver flat or do the basic weldments because I purchased an SW5K “welded” receiver. I will still need to weld the trunnion, cocking tube, front sight and related parts. This is another 9mm project and will be an SBR with the for grip and folding stock like the MP5K PDW. Initially I can build the gun as a pistol with no vertical for grip and no but stock. Once I get the SBR tax stamp back from the ATF Ill be able to put those parts on. I’m going to use the 4 position, ambidextrous, pictogram marked lower for this gun. The final coating will be the HK black duracoat.

This should be a fun little gun. I also want to make a “briefcase adapter” for this gun so the gun can be fired while hidden inside of a briefcase like the factory HK MP5 briefcase. I want to make it a bit more discreet looking. The factory MP5 briefcase is still somewhat conspicuous!

Section Highlights:

  • Welding the MP5K receiver
  • QD MP5 K suppressor
  • The MP5k “stealth” briefcase

HK MP5k build services and mp5-k/reverse stretch conversion work from Black Ops Defense:   Click Here

Receiver Welding

Since I’m not building from a receiver flat I wont have as much building and welding to do on this gun. I will tig weld the trunnion, cocking tube, cocking tube extension, front sight/triple frame and the loop for the front grip.

Some if this is somewhat tedious welding and very cosmetic so I want these welds to come out nice!

I’ll post pics and progress soon

HK MP5k build services and mp5-k/reverse stretch conversion work from Black Ops Defense:   Click Here

MP5k Stealth Operational Tactical Briefcase

HK made a stealth briefcase for the MP5K so that an operator could carry the weapon in plain site, ready to fire but in such a way as not to cause alarm. Carrying the sub machine gun in a briefcase allows for a much more stealthy, discrete deployment of the weapon in a “sensitive” setting.

I plan to use a quick detach “claw” mount to hold the gun in place inside of the case. This is similar to the method used by HK in the original. A simple linkage will be used to operate the trigger from a secondary trigger outside of the case, near the cary handle.

I will add much more detail and photos to this section as the project progresses.

HK MP5k build services and mp5-k/reverse stretch conversion work from Black Ops Defense:   Click Here

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