FNH F2000/FS2000 and 37mm GL1 Project

FS2000 to “F2000” mods and accessories

This is basically an off the shelf FS-2000 that I plan to add to and tweak just a bit. Most of the work to get this the way I want it will be in modifying the stock 1.6x optic and creating the night vision option. Also the “grenade” flair launcher will need to be custom made since they are not normally sold for civilian use in the 40mm version. This will be a 37mm flair gun only made to look like the GL1.

I will add much more detail and photos to this section as the site progresses.

Some highlights:

  • Custom built quick detach suppressor
  • Custom built GL1 37mm flair launcher / GL-1 40mm grenade launcher clone
  • Custom night vision quick detach optic with built in IR laser and illuminator
  • F2000 flash hider
  • FNH manuals
  • Parts breakdown and stock FS2000 review
  • Range report


Custom 1.6X optic

This will basically be a modification of the stock scope and hood cover. I plan to make a metal inner mount that will hold the scope and a visible laser. Small holes will allow access to the adjustment screws on both the scope and the laser. The holes will be plugged with small rubber inserts.

They key to this is getting everything tight and secure to the rail once locked into place by the factory hood lock on. Some delren tabs may be necessary to hold the site down tight.

Photos, drawings and progress reports to come!

Custom night vision optic

This will be a bit more complicated than the factory optic mod above… I will need to create the quick change base and hood cover that will cover the optic and laser. The optic, witch I have not yet picked out, will need to fit into the hood cover along with the IR laser and possibly illuminator if I have room.

Most likely the hood will be shaped from molding clay or foam and then used to make molds for a carbon fiber or fiber glass hood. The rest will be made from aluminum and delren.

The goal here is to have 2 interchangeable optics that can be switched out with no tools, on the fly. One for day and 1 for night.

GL-1 37mm flair launcher

This will also take a bit more design work, that I have not yet started, to get sorted out. The basic plan is to build the unit out of fiber glass or carbon fiber and aluminum parts. The exact parts used for the FCG and coking mechanism are still un determined.

Photos, drawings and progress reports to come!

QD F2000 5.56mm suppressor

This will be the easy part. Stacked baffles in a steel tube all cut on a lathe to spec for a 5.56mm round. The quick detach portion will be a twist type lock that holds to the grooves of the existing ( or F2000 ) flash hider.

Photos, drawings and progress reports to come!

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